Starting a business is hard. I stop and think every now and then, "why am I doing this?" There are several reasons, but the one that always comes to the top is this:
My mom.
My mom had a hip replacement early last year. She was determined to take good care of it and do what she could to make the other hip last. Because she knew about Zumba® Gold from me, she found a class near her and had so much fun she became an instructor, too! Her health has improved in so many ways, but the number one thing is she is so HAPPY! And her doctor is VERY proud of her.
I know there are lots of people who need exercise for a variety of reasons (heart health, diabetes, weight loss, strength and mobility) but the bottom line is this: when you exercise you are happier.
So why do I do this? I want that for YOU. Let's have a great time together.