Tuesday, June 21, 2011

BYOB (Buddy) and you BOTH come for FREE!

I really believe in the buddy system. It's a good idea for hiking, awkward social parties, and kindergarten field trips. It's also very important for sticking to a regular exercise plan. 

So here's the deal: when you Bring Your Own Buddy, I'll let you AND your buddy take the class that day at no charge. This, of course, applies only when you bring a buddy who has never come to class before. I know you are all enjoying class. I even think you are enjoying it more than you thought you would. Now share the joy with a friend and let them see why you have such a smile on your face!

And if there are two buddies out there and neither of them have ever come to class before, then that works, too! Come on in and try the class for free. You'll both thank each other for it.

This offer will last until July 31.

I can't wait to meet your buddies!

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